Research Center

Investiment of US$ 1.2 million per year in research and development of new products.

We understand the importance of quality seeds for the success of agricultural production. Therefore, we invest in advanced research and development of soybean cultivars, adapted to the specific conditions of each region.
With research investments of US$ 1.2 million annually in basic research, we have research centers in the main soybean development regions. The 1st research center is located in Primavera do Lesta - Mato Grosso. It has soybean research and improvement focused on the Central, Central-West and Northern regions of Brazil (soybean macroregions 3, 4 and 5).
Centro de pesquisa
Centro de pesquisa
Crossing activities, advancement of segregating generations, selection assisted by molecular markers, progeny tests, competition trials, increments, purification and production of genetic seeds are carried out there. To accelerate its generations, it also has counter-season development (winter generation) in areas with its partner Produtiva Sementes in Formoso do Araguaia - Tocantins.
The Southern Research Center, in Sertanópolis - PR, was recently opened and has an area of ​​42 ha for experimental field. Located on the Cachoeira 2C farm, on Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, Km 432. Tests are conducted there in the initial, intermediate and final phases of the SEEDCORP|HO genetic improvement program.
Micheli Possobom - Breeder
Irineu Hartwig - Director of Research and Development LATAM