Ethics Channel

Contact0800 517 0028

SEEDCORP|HO provides the public (internal and external) with the best reporting channel: the Ethics Channel provided by Contato Seguro, which contains the necessary attributes for total reliability, that is, confidentiality, information security , permission for anonymity, accessibility for everyone at any time, etc.).

Do you want to demonstrate? Access here.

All complaints are investigated by professionals trained and qualified for the role.
The Ethics Committee has complementary Internal Regulations so that the entire process is transparent, maintaining due confidentiality, respect for those involved and professionalism.

If there is proof and materiality of the report, the appropriate measures will be taken, respecting the Policy for Receiving and Handling Complaints and the Policy for Management of Consequences and Disciplinary Measures.

SEEDCORP|HO strongly encourages the use of the channel and prohibits retaliation.

Manual de conduta